About   6 comments

They say there is no place like home.

And if you’re fortunate enough to live in Victoria, you know this is true.

But what is it about this small tip of the Island that makes it so different?

There are a multitude of histories and geographies that swirl in and around the Capital region, overlaping and dividing. What i want to do here is explore how some of these have looked.

Surrounded by endless ocean, mountain and forest, Victoria’s inhabitants cling to the regions along the ragged coastline where life is most live-able. A series of lagoons, harbours, bays and rocky headlands serrate the shores from Sooke to Saanich where people have lived for millennia. Although the representations that i can share here are limited to the past couple centuries, or so, the stories that they suggest are often much older. They point to a time in which giants still lived, in which a connection with the ancient past was still strong. But they do not represent that past.

Nor do i pretend to claim that they represent everybody’s pasts who lives in the area today. The images and words i use will naturally focus on the regions that i know best and reflect my own cultural point of view.

Of course.

But if any of it appeals to you, too, i would love to hear about it!

Who knows, maybe we could even live a new story.



Posted February 12, 2011 by shorelifevictoria

6 responses to “About

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  1. Wow super idea my friend. I share your your special interest inour home land. Perhaps in another life I rode my horses through theoak meadows and picked wild flowers for my mothers table. The images of wild oak bay are pure fantasy! Can you believe it was once a baron landscape with the odd frolicker? I’m looking forward to this little project. So cool. Xo

  2. Great idea! I love looking back at the way that things used to be. These pics make me wonder what will be one hundered years in the future!
    ps. More photos of the barrel sailing bottle collector!

  3. Wow it was awesome to see Cadboro Bay way back before my dad’s house was built at the end away from town and has just recently been torn down – amazing pictures – I remember the canoe races on the Gorge in the 40’s.

  4. Absolutely wonderful photos, pictures and info. Thanks so much.. I have shared a few with the Classic Boat festival facebook group.
    My family has been in Victoria 125+ years, love what you have put together!

  5. Ben, We have only recently “discovered” Victoria. Your blog is a welcome resource, I love your comparisons of the historical to present day. As we return to the harbor in our boat this summer, we will now venture farther afield seeing this wonderful place through your eyes. Thank you for sharing. Herb and Willie of Willie’s Tug.

  6. Just discovered this blog, wonderful content and awesome photos! Thank you

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